The United States’ Greatest Presidents; What They Did Before They Took Power

The United States’ Greatest Presidents

Certainly, most presidents held an additional position ( farmer, a business exec) prior to being chosen to the oval office. Just as any person looking to get ahead, Americans can relate to someone who works their way to the top. It holds true that many of our Commanders in Chief have been raised in well-to-do households. Nonetheless, many of the US presidents have some fascinating stories to tell about being in the private sector labor force, prior to ever entering a government building.

One large obvious answer is apparent. Of the 43 Head of States we have had up till 2008, over 23 have been legal representatives lawyer. Not just that, it bears to take notice every major candidate that we have currently running for Head of State in 2008 likewise holds a law degree, and several of them were practicing lawyers. Clearly, the initial thing you should do if you want a chance at the presidency is acquire a law degree.

An additional profession that isn’t really shocking is military. A huge proportion of the Head of States served in some capability of the armed forces before looking for work. Even more have served in the Air Force or Navy: Bush, Sr. and Carter.

Of all the Head of States, Thomas Jefferson had the lengthiest number of professions outside of national politics. Jefferson was a writer, inventor, attorney, engineer, farmer. If you are wondering what he invented, the very first swivel chair, as well as various other developments he put in when he made his popular house, Monticello.

In contrast to the old saying about how actors make wonderful political leaders, Reagan was an actor before ending up being a politician, so one case isn’t really great proof.

Only three Presidents had a previous profession as writer. Among those being Jefferson, who almost certainly never made money directly as a writer, but did his writing throughout recording and routing the early childhood of our federal government. When it comes to Kennedy, his writing was actually assisting his father, Kennedy, Sr., writing his narrative of his three years as US Ambassador to the UK. When it comes to Carter, he has written over 20 books, being the only President that certifies as a professional author. It is important to notice that two of his novels were written after his presidency.

One other creative job holder is Harrison, who was a reporter, by working as a court decisions reporter of the Indiana Supreme Court during the time that he was studying law.

While we get back on the topic of Carter’s job, let’s clear something up. The title of “peanut farmer” was an exaggeration. He assisted on his family’s peanut farm as a young child. He reveals no proof of having actually preferred to earn a job out of it, and it appears he gave it up after an accident with some equipment that left him with an injured finger.

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